Dog Bite Lawyer Clarksburg, WV

Dog bites are often thought of as more minor injuries, but this is a common misconception. Some can lead to serious infections and permanent conditions that require out-of-pocket expenses like prescription medications, X-rays, therapy, and more. If you or a loved one has been injured by a dog, our Clarksburg, WV dog bite lawyer at Hayhurst Law PLLC is here to advocate for the full financial compensation you deserve. Contact us today to schedule a free and confidential consultation with an experienced, results-driven attorney.

How Serious Can Dog Bites Be?

Depending on the circumstances of the case, a dog attack can result in serious, traumatizing injuries that require urgent attention and ongoing treatment. If you or a loved one has been bitten, seeking medical help as soon as possible is the best thing you can do. This will hopefully prevent your condition from getting worse, and your doctor visit will serve as evidence in your personal injury claim if you decide to seek compensation from the dog’s negligent owner. Our Clarksburg dog bite lawyer has handled cases involving a range of serious conditions, including but not limited to:

  • Scars
  • Rabies
  • Eye injuries
  • Nerve damage
  • Infected puncture wounds
  • Head, face, and neck injuries
  • Emotional trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Children And Dog Attacks

Children are more likely to fall victim to dog attacks. If your child has been bit, it’s a good idea to closely monitor them so that you can detect any signs of trauma or distress from the incident and determine whether they need psychological help. These could include:

  • Nightmares
  • Wetting the bed
  • Becoming withdrawn
  • Clinging to you more often

When you team up with Hayhurst Law PLLC, we can help you seek full and fair compensation that covers everything you or your child needs to make an effective recovery. This includes costs for seeing both physical and mental health professionals.

Who’s Liable For A Dog Bite?

The dog’s owners have a legal responsibility to protect others from their dog when they’re in a public space or their own property. If you or your child was bit by a dog, you can file a claim against their owner. Many homeowners insurance policies offer coverage for this, but it’d only apply if the injury occurred on the dog owner’s property. If the owner doesn’t have an insurance plan in place that covers dog attacks, they’ll still be held financially responsible.

What If There Was A ‘Beware Of Dog’ Sign?

Property owners may put out a ‘Beware of Dog’ warning sign on their property thinking that absolves them of any liability if their pet ends up hurting anyone. However, the presence of these signs does not automatically get the owner off the hook—especially if the dog was unleashed. In fact, placing a sign like this in a yard arguably proves the owner’s awareness that their dog could be a threat. Then, if their dog was off their leash when it attacked, the injury would stem from the owner’s negligence of not leashing their dangerous dog. So, don’t let a ‘Beware of Dog’ sign stop you from seeking compensation. Our Clarksburg dog bite lawyer can help you build a robust claim no matter what.

Discuss Your Dog Bite Case

If you or a loved one has been hurt by a dog, don’t hesitate to get in touch with an experienced attorney. At Hayhurst Law PLLC, we offer free consultations for personal injury victims so that you can discuss your case in a zero-risk, zero-obligation environment. Let’s see what our decade of legal experience can do for you. Call our office today to get started.